Many of you may have already heard... one of our fellow mafiosas, the founder of the San Antonio Craft Mafia, Katherine Brown, is fighting glioblastoma, in layman's speak that's stage 4 brain cancer. The San Antonio group has been touched deeply by her illness and are holding a benefit for Kat and her children. Please help in any way you can. Have friends in San Antonio? Please tell them about the the event. Have a blog? Feel free to repost.
For more information about Kat and her illness you can read articles in the San Antonio Express News and The Handmade News.

I chanced upon to view your blog and found it very interesting as well as very informative, i was need such type information, which you have submitted. I really thankful to you, this posting help a huge number of people. Great ... Keep it up!
We're thinking about you guys and Kat.
What a wonderful support.
Best wishes,
The Petaluma Craft Mafia
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